Any links to cheap/free repair manuals?
I've been scouring the web trying to find some cheap and comprehensive repair manual(s) for my 2009 Aveo, and not having much luck. I tried using AllData, and there's nothing in there -- it's just part prices and really basic stuff. I'm looking for something long-winded with tons of information and diagrams. I see that Chilton DIY has some info on our car here: 2009 Chevrolet Aveo Auto Repair Manual - ChiltonDIY Not sure how useful it is. Honestly, it looks like it'll be something similar to AllData. And here's a factory repiar manual on ebay for $300: 2009 GM Chevy Aveo Pontiac Wave G3 G 3 Service Shop Repair Manual Set New | eBay Are there any free repair resources out there for our Aveos? Looking to diagnose an A/C issue.
update for Repair manual
Originally Posted by
OscUd 09-11 Aveo from the US have LXV engines. Not sure about models from other years or those years from other countries. This website is the best free, legal resource about Chevrolet Aveo repair and maintenance I have found.
This site / link is no longer avalible; does anyone else have the pdf to share? ( I have an 07 Aveo5).