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    Thread: Driver side window panel not working

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Mar 2016
      colorado springs, co
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      Driver side window panel not working

      Hi! Disclaimer: I am not proficient at car maintenance!

      My driver side window will not roll up... It can roll down, though! On the driver side window panel, I can roll the back two windows up and down no problem and I have difficulty rolling my passenger side window up. I am assuming it is something with the actual switch on the driver's side panel because every other window switch in the car works no problem. What should I do? Is this something that I have to bring into a shop? Thanks!


    2. #2
      Wants to develop manifold
      Join Date
      Dec 2015
      Thanked 17 Times in 12 Posts
      It seems like something to do with the switch. Have you accidentally spilled anything on the switch cluster or left the window open while it was raining?
      Even if you are not mechanically inclined, taking off the door panel is quite simple. There are 3 screws along the bottom trim, one in the handle and one by the opening lever. There is a plastic triangle piece near your side mirror that you can pop off(it'll fight but pull it straight off). Pull the door panel out and up so the window trim will slide out, you'll hear some noise that sounds like cracking but it is just the ribbed trim fasteners pulling out. The ring around your door handle will also pop off. Once the panel is free you can see the switch cluster and maybe see an obvious problem like a loose or frayed wire. There is also electrical cleaner that comes in a little aerosol can that is safe for cleaning switches, it is only a few bucks and may help with any gunk or build up in the switch. If that doesn't work, you may need to change the affected switches. It seems like a huge project but it is not as hard as you may think and hopefully we can help you if you decide to try.
      If you aren't comfortable doing that, see if you can find a friend that is. I wouldn't want to see someone pay a dealership the kind of coin they ask for over a switch.
      Keep us updated!

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