... ost2527748

Quote Originally Posted by Eric304 View Post
Well, It's the Home Depot $10 dollar lip. I think it looks decent for the cost, plus you don't have to worry about cracking/scratching it. Everyone who see's my car loves it.

If you guys wanna try it out and see how you like it, then here's the instructions on how to put it on. Only thing is, in the directions, they say to nail or screw it in, and I didn't do that cause the 3M Heavy Duty Double Side Stick tape works well.

Here is the How To

Step 1:
Go to Home Depot!

Step 2: Get Garage Door Bottom Seal, i think they come in 9 ft packs, one will be enough, 2 if u think u will mess up (part #03749)(also notice that there is a foam type and a hard rubber type, i prefer the foam) and a two sided double stick tape that is preferably black, lots of tape, lol (less is seen when black)

Step 3: Place Double stick tape On smaller edge of weather striping.

Step 4: Clean bottom surface of bumper to apply lip. The take off top cover on tape to prepare it to stick on bumper. When putting the lip around the bumper, make sure it sits flush, some like it back more, but i like it flush. Go slow and make sure to get the tape to stick evenly, any extra weather stripping, just cut off flush at the end of the bumper:

Step 5 (optional): I put screws in mine just for saftey, but its not needed, but i suggest it. Put a small screw vary on size depending on person along bottom edge on lip into bumper. I used some washers so it had more area on the lip. Make sure to put the screws back far enough that you wont put a screw out the front of the bumper. I put one about every 4-5 inches.

And Here is the Finished Product of the GDBS LIP (Garage Door Bottom Seal LIP) LOL



Will Update This Thread With More Pics if Requested

im considering doing it until i get my FG one made.