Hey guys
Yesterday I had a bottle of water badly screwed in a plastic bag and it spilled on my seat, and now it has a circle on it. How can I clean that myself?
Hey guys
Yesterday I had a bottle of water badly screwed in a plastic bag and it spilled on my seat, and now it has a circle on it. How can I clean that myself?
Last edited by Sathirel; 05-24-2011 at 09:00 PM.
Sorry for my bad english lol
A steamer I hear works best. But, I just go buy upholstry cleaner from a store and scrub it good.
it was water? its probably a clean spot, so you just need to do the rest of the seat :P
The dealership I work at, for small spots on interior, we use non VOC brake clean. spray the brake clean on a rag, and lightly scrub the area youre trying to clean. Thats how we get oil and grease off the interior