Hi to all,
this is my first thread here and my english arent very good, so sorry from now..!
I want to get off the plastics there where the radio is..! Does anyone know how i can do this??
Hi to all,
this is my first thread here and my english arent very good, so sorry from now..!
I want to get off the plastics there where the radio is..! Does anyone know how i can do this??
08 hatch or sedan? the dash is the newer or older style?
hatch, the newer style, this one:
gently pry out the U shaped piece around the radio, it uses push in clips.
that will expose the screws to the radio, and upper / lower dash pieces. taking out the screws will allow you to pry the other ends out. and you work up.. i have not gone all the way up to the clock though but i am sure its just the repeated process.
there a photo.. maybe it can help.. i cant pull it out because its too hard at the red circles..
thats up higher than i went.
from the looks of it you want to go straight out, not twist up..
Hm.. I'll try it too..
(Do you know, if the top piece can be replaced by a pop-up glove ? )
it can, and if you can get one, i will be extremely jealous. (not available in the US)