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    Thread: How to: Install Clutch Speed Bleeder and Bleed / Flush Clutch Fluid

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      How to: Install Clutch Speed Bleeder and Bleed / Flush Clutch Fluid

      How to: Install Clutch Speed Bleeder and Bleed / Flush Clutch Fluid

      If you guys don't know me by now, I'm kinda new to the board. I purchased a 2005 Aveo LT a few months back as a beater car as I've been putting too many miles on my Jeep.

      Now, whenever I work on one my cars, I don't hesitate to spend an extra few bucks to make the job easier now, or in the future. One of those things are speed bleeders.

      Bleeding clutch fluid, while not something difficult, is time consuming and usually takes two people to do. However, a "speed bleeder", which looks like a normal bleeder, has a one-way check valve that will let air and fluid out, but will not let fluid or air back in. This is very critical as air in a closed system will cause a spongy pedal, and at worst, complete malfunction. A speed bleeder will allow you to simply crack it open one time and close it once the air is out of the system, instead of having to open and close the bleeder with every pump of the pedal. No longer will you have to open and close your bleeder multiple times.

      This is what you will have to purchase:
      Size: SB1010
      Automobile Applications

      Experience level: Very easy, easy, medium, hard, very hard
      Approx time: Start to finish 10 min
      Parts Needed: Speedbleder Size SB1010 (Automobile Applications), DOT 3 Brake Fluid
      Tools needed: 10mm socket wrench, 1/4" clear tubing (approx 18 in), Water/soda bottle

      Installation of Speedbleeder
      1- Using a 10mm socket wrench, unscrew the bleeder screw counter-clockwise located on the clutch slave cylinder, until fully removed. You will want to remove the black cap from the bleed screw and have shop rags at the ready. A small amount of brake fluid will spill. (Brake fluid will eat through paint, so be careful of wear it lands.
      2- With the new bleeder screw at the ready (Part#SB1010), hand tighten it into the clutch slave cylinder. Be careful not to cross thread it. Once seated by hand, tighten with wrench until snug.

      Use of Speedbleeder To Bleed and Flush Clutch Fluid
      1- If you don't know already, "clutch fluid" is brake fluid. They are both DOT 3 Spec fluid and share the same reservoir that is located under the hood towards the firewall on the driver side.
      2- Remove cover from brake/clutch fluid reservoir.
      3- Using a 10mm wrench, unscrew the bleeder valve approx 1/4 of a turn and attach clear tubing over the end of the speed-bleeder and dangle the other end into a water bottle or fluid receptacle to catch spent fluid. (This is necessary as it prevents corrosive brake fluid from spraying onto your paint.)
      4- With the bleeder open and tubing attached, pump your clutch slowly 8-10 times. Your pedal will stay stuck to the floor and will not come back by itself; this is normal. Every few pumps, check the reservoir and fill with brake fluid as needed; Never let it run dry! If you run it dry, you will introduce air into the system which will cause headaches to the brake system as they share the same fluid reservoir.
      4a- OPTIONAL: If the brake fluid in the fluid reservoir is black prior to flushing, it is not advisable to flush it through the system as it can clog in the narrow passage ways between the reservior itself and the clutch slave cylinder if there is any sludge present. What you can do is remove the fluid from the reservoir directly buy using a turkey baster, syringe, or fluid evacuater such as a Mity Vac, and then topping the fluid off with fresh DOT 3 brake fluid before beginning step 4.
      5- Close/tighten bleeder unit snug, remove tubing, and top off clutch/brake fluid.
      6- Pump your clutch pedal FAST 5-10 times to distribute fluid within the system. You should have a full/firm pedal with the first pump. If you do not have a full/firm pedal, you may need to tighten the bleeder screw more. If you still don't have a full/firm pedal, you still have air in the system
      7- Reinstall clutch/brake fluid reservoir cover

      This is a a picture (see link) of the clutch slave cylinder. It is located in the driver side of the engine/transmission assembly, just right of the exhaust manifold. The bleed screw is the screw with the black cap on it.

      If anyone has a question, please feel to post within the thread or send me a PM
      Attached Images Attached Images    
      2004 Aveo beater car
      2005 Aveo LT. 5-speed beater car (DOA)

    2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to slayerized6 For This Useful Post:

      Daox (12-04-2014),xintersecty (12-04-2014)

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