How to install your underdrive crankshaft pulley
This is a step by step process on how to install your underdrive pulley and/or replace your crankshaft pulley. Feel free to ask questions or comment.
If you want to purchase one, see here:
We start by jacking up the front passenger corner of the car and remove the wheel. Make sure to use a jack stand.
Next, we remove the splash guard around the corner of the engine bay. Remove the two nuts shown here (10mm heads)...
...and the bolt and nut (10mm heads) shown here.
Now, we're looking straight at the crankshaft pulley. This is the one semi-tricky thing to do. Thankfully the torque specs aren't real horrible on the Aveo. You have to remove the crankshaft bolt. It has a 17mm head. The easiest way to do this is with an impact wrench. If you do not have an impact (they're quite cheap for an electric one at harbor freight and its very useful), you'll have to get some help. Have someone shift into gear (or leave in park), and push the brake pedal down while you use a breaker bar (and possibly an extension) to get the bolt loose.
After the bolt is off, remove the pulley and accessory belt. It should separate from the timing belt pulley shown above. Take some care not to remove the timing belt pulley as this will cause a lot more work to be done. :)
Now, put the underdrive pulley on to the timing belt pulley. It should slip on a little snug and stay in place. If it doesn't, you'll have to hold it on while you tighten up the bolt to hold it on. I believe the torque spec is ~76 ft/lbs. There is a small key and keyway that must line up, so make sure that happens.
Next, install the accessory belt. I recommend getting a new belt sized 730k6 vs the stock 740k6 as I had problems with the stock belt squealing. To get the belt on, use a wrench on the tensioner to pry the belt tensioner. Do not do as I did with a crow bar. It works, but the wrench is better and easier.
Thats just about it! Your pulley is now installed. :D You just have to replace the splash guard, put your wheel back on, and drop your car back down. The whole process took me less than 30 minutes. The impact wrench is the key to making this easy.
Tip for getting off that 17mm bolt
Re: loosening that 17mm bolt holding on the pulley...
This is the one tricky thing to do. Thankfully the torque specs aren't real horrible on the Aveo. You have to remove this bolt. It has a 17mm head. The easiest way to do this is with an impact wrench.
If you don't have an impact wrench (or even if you do, but it's spinning the engine):
One option is to apply the foot brake to stop the transmission (thus the engine, if it's in gear - manual tranny) from turning. That will give you some resistance to work against. You can still do this as a 1-person job if you wedge something the right length between the brake pedal and the front of the lower seat cushion. You can slide the seat forward to press down & hold the brake.
Works best if the engine has been running recently so there's vacuum assist still in the power brake system.
Not sure if this will work with an automatic. Will work with a manual transmission though. With an automatic, will the parking pin keep the engine from turning with one wheel in the air? Dunno. I've only owned one automatic and that was a long time ago.