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    Thread: How to Replace the Day Time Running Lights (DRL) Module

    1. #21
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      the image above is for all US aveos with the etecII.

      You have a different situation, being you have a croatian spec car built in korea. I would think you have a kaliningrad , ust- kamenogorsk or a warsaw built/spec car.

      What is your Vin number? or just the first digit? K? Do you have a standard 17 digit vin?

    2. #22
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      why would anyone WANT to have the DRL's working? It burns out the headlight bulbs FAST and constantly. Unless you have somekind of law that you HAVE to have DRL's running in your state, why keep it on all the time? Since I disconnected it, I haven't had to replace my headlight bulbs once. They use to burn out in less than 6 months, even with the little I drive! Disconnect it !

    3. #23
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Quote Originally Posted by FlaAveo5 View Post
      why would anyone WANT to have the DRL's working? It burns out the headlight bulbs FAST and constantly. Unless you have somekind of law that you HAVE to have DRL's running in your state, why keep it on all the time? Since I disconnected it, I haven't had to replace my headlight bulbs once. They use to burn out in less than 6 months, even with the little I drive! Disconnect it !
      Your car is more visible with DRL and I like to be visible to other drivers so I leave mine connected. It's been over a year since I replaced my bulbs. What kind were you using that they kept burning up so quick?

    4. #24
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      Hello MY aveo, made in korea. T-300 model. i want to disable DRL. help pls

    5. #25
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      DRL Disabled

      Quote Originally Posted by EAD15 View Post
      Your car is more visible with DRL and I like to be visible to other drivers so I leave mine connected. It's been over a year since I replaced my bulbs. What kind were you using that they kept burning up so quick?

      The plain old OEM replacement bulbs. The more you drive the more the lights are on...even on 'low' for DRL. It wears out the bulbs, and replacing them is a pain in the neck,get chips around the headlight units taking out and putting them back in. I have switched to Sylvainia Silverstars now,. So at night, when i NEED to BE seen and to SEE better, it is MUCH brighter. During the day it is a waste of bulbs. If you cant see a car without the lights half on, then you need glasses.

    6. #26
      What do you mean there's no turbo? FlaAveo5's Avatar
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      if it is the same set up as all other Aveos, at least 2006 models, it is right under the steering wheel, it is a long black plastic cord, and at the end it has a 'switch' or a plug in 'relay'....all you have to do is unplug it, and let it hang. There is a guy on here named 'Petrified Rabbit'....he is VERY knowledgeable and a mech. I think. He could probably give you exact/better advise. It took my brother in law, a car mech. all of 2 mins. to disconnect it i think there is a link in here that shows you exactly the cord bundle/switch that you unplug,....because when i asked this question, i think he put a picture and described how to unplug it, for me. But I still asked my brother in law to do it.

    7. #27
      Should I keep it?
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      Quote Originally Posted by FlaAveo5 View Post
      So at night, when i NEED to BE seen and to SEE better, it is MUCH brighter. During the day it is a waste of bulbs. If you cant see a car without the lights half on, then you need glasses.
      It's not an entire waste I've had a couple people start to pull out on my custom brown painted Aveo. Your headlights sort of project your car and shine light and wake up spaced out or blind drivers who need glasses and it's quite worth the headlight wear to me to use them although I haven't been using the DRL for that purpose instead I've been running LED headlights. I turn mine on mostly through a down town like area and then turn them off once I'm on the highway I'm less worried about traffic hitting me it also gives my battery more of a charge with this original worn out alternator. I kind of want to change my DRLs to foglights though so I found this thread.

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