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    Thread: How to: Replace thermostat with metal one!

    1. #1
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      How to: Replace thermostat with metal one!

      Sorry for the lack of pictures but I will write out each step to do, since its easy and considering that I just did it today!

      1. Open hood
      2. Locate Thermostat (To the left near belts)
      3. Remove the clamp on the hose coming from the radiator. (Will be tough but just work it off.
      4. Also remove the clamp around the hose coming from the engine and be careful YOU WILL lose some fluid and i lost more than I thought and had to get some antifreeze, so keep some on hand.
      5. Remove the bolts holding the plastic thermostat housing on to the engine block. It has two 1/2mm bolts on it and you will need a extension on your ratchet. (Fluid will come out here as well, be careful and don't do this when its hot!
      6. Once the bolts are out remove the old housing and make sure you get the old gasket off as well.
      And to install the new one just reverse the order and there you have it! New thermostat housing and no more worrying about that plastic one cracking driving down the road!!

      **Some things I did adn things to consider!**
      The smaller hose didn't like me using the clamp so I had to buy a hose clamp and tighten it down like that! Also have something to catch the fluid so it doesn't go all over the ground and ruin water (bad thing!). Make sure the hose clamp (if you use one) is out of the way of the thermostat and the upper hose or the thermostat will not tighten! (learned the frustrating way!) Other than that it was very easy, not problems at all, all day and now no more worrying! Hope this made since? Sorry for no pictures any questions just ask and I will try and answer

      Have a good day guys/girls!

    2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to sbelcher For This Useful Post:

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    3. #2
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Here are some pictures of when I did mine a while back:

      The thermostat is in the lower left:
      Name:  2014-01-13_12-09-43_613.jpg
Views: 19305
Size:  279.9 KB
      Thermostat removed:
      Name:  20140827_105529.jpg
Views: 29321
Size:  297.8 KB
      Old thermostat:
      Name:  20140827_105608.jpg
Views: 14510
Size:  289.0 KB
      Close-up of new one put on:
      Name:  20140827_112517.jpg
Views: 13118
Size:  278.7 KB

      The clamps are a pain in the ass to deal with, so do not let them come off the hoses if you are reusing them. Make sure you keep a close eye on your temperature gauge and check your coolant levels for the next few days after putting the new one on. Also, this is a good time to flush your coolant if it is due.

      Link to the metal one I bought: Dorman Thermostat Housing Upgraded Design Metal for Aveo 5 Lanos Wave 1 6L | eBay

    4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Drake For This Useful Post:

      MeekMark (12-18-2019),Taiger (09-29-2017)

    5. #3
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      I missed this thread. Nice write up!

    6. #4
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      The only thing I would add is to have a 2" pipe clamp handy. I found that the spring clamp did not work as well. So I had to put a pipe clam on. So if you replace the t-stat, just replace that clamp right away.
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    7. The Following User Says Thank You to xintersecty For This Useful Post:

      Taiger (09-29-2017)

    8. #5
      What's wrong with my car?
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      When I was working on my '08 I this weekend (different repair) I was surprised to see a metal thermostat housing. I thought the originals were always plastic. It's possible it was replaced before I bought it in 2012 with 47,000, but that seems pretty early for a thermostat fail. Were some original thermostat housings metal?

    9. #6
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      They replaced the plastic ones with metal ones in 2007 I believe.

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      The_Limey (05-05-2015)

    11. #7
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      Thanks for posting this thread. I had to tackle this job in a parking lot yesterday. It took about an hour. The $30 hose clamp tool below that I happened to have in my tool box made handling the hose clamps a breeze. I purchased the replacement water outlet assembly from the local NAPA store, needed one now and they had it in stock for $34. Good quality and included all gaskets and thermostat. Also installed a new radiator hose ($13), figuring I may as well while I'm in there, although even after 12 years, the old one looked good. The plastic tube broke off inside the head, and I spent and extra 15 minutes extracting it. The plastic was very soft and easy to split with a screw driver. I also had to clear some corrosion from the head to fit the replacement tube.

      Although it overheated for maybe a minute, the engine or head gasket doesn't appear to be damaged. I will be keeping tabs on the coolant level. Next job is thinking about the valve cover gaskets as a small leak has a tendency to drop on the exhaust manifold making some smoke. Very small leak. Only 80,000 miles on this 2004, which has been in the family since new.
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      Last edited by ColdCase; 10-16-2015 at 04:36 AM.

    12. #8
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      Be sure you get the correct parts. I was given a thermostat only and the wrong one from the auto store. For the 2008 aveo i had to replace the assembly as one unit with the thermostat seated in the center. A simple fix turned into broken parts so beware double check what you buy. We stripped the casing then almost had to rethread it. A bolt snapped after taking it apart multiple times from being given the incorrect thermostat and bolts. Save yourself the headaches be careful.
      Last edited by Lemon12; 10-16-2015 at 03:53 AM.

    13. #9
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      hey that small hose defiantly a bugger i did the same changed the clamp...that small hose do u know the name of it want to replace with a new one noticed a small crack in it ..cheers.

    14. #10
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      I have a question...

      My wife has a 2009 Aveo5 LT, and the thermostat is stuck, so I need to replace it. Does the '09 use the plastic housing, or is it metal? I've checked Rock Auto for parts, and came up with this:More Information for ACDELCO 55597008

      Just wanted to make sure this was the right part before I continued.

      Thanks for your time!

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