My TPS gave out on me and i couldn't get over 25 MPH with the pedal to the floor. Being as that you cannot adjust or change the TPS, you have to replace the entire assembly, so I did. Sorry I did not take any pics![]()
Ordered the part from rockauto for $94.99 plus a $36.00 core charge; A1 Cardone Reman and the gasket from O'Reilly auto parts for like 5 bucks.
*** For all intents and purposes, I'm not a mechanic, this is what I did, I am NOT responsible if something happens to your car, this is merely to help those who are facing the same problem I did. If I did something wrong, please chime in. ***
Parts and Part numbers : Throttle body - A1 Cardone Reman 67-3026, Throttle body gasket Felpro 61526
Estimated time : took me 1 hour
Tools Needed : 1 ratchet, 10 mm deep socket, flathead screwdriver, pliers or small vice grip
Abbreviations : TB = Throttle Body, TPS = Throttle Position Sensor, MAP = Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
Step 1: disconnect negative terminal on battery
step 2 : Disconnect MAP sensor
Step 3 : Remove air intake hose, running from air box to TB
Step 4 : Remove the 2 hoses that run to and from the TB (This is where the pliers or vice grip come into play, rear coolant hose will spill a little bit of coolant)
Step 5 : Loosen the 3 10 mm nuts, and 1 10 mm bolt on the TB (the nut at the back towards the firewall, and on the bottom is a PITA to get to, but is doable)
Step 6 : Remove TB, and remove old gasket from surface, and disconnect TPS
Step 7 : Place new gasket on mounting surface
Step 8 : Connect TPS
Step 9 : Install new TB (personally, I put on the nuts and bolt finger tight, and opposites, like putting lug nuts on a wheel)
Step 10 : Tighten nuts and bolt, reconnect coolant lines
Step 11 : connect MAP sensor
Step 12 : reconnect the intake hose to TB and air box
Step 13 : reconnect negative battery terminal
Step 14 : top off any coolant lost, should be about 4-5 oz. nothing too much
Turn the car on, watch it idle, let it warm up, take it for a spin, enjoy your work, and knowing that you saved a few hundred bucks.