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    Thread: ignition coil pack replacement

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      ignition coil pack replacement

      I was replacing my spark plugs & wires a few months back and noticed white powder around one of the coil pack points and oil around one of the spark plug holes. I also noticed rust on the coil pack tip. After replacing the wires and plugs no problems, but I guess I should replace coil pack. Can anyone help me with instructions on how to replace the ignition coil pack. Does the Chilton manuals have instructions? I can get a copy of that section at the library.

      Thanks for the help.

    2. #2
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Name:  Snap1.jpg
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Size:  52.1 KBis this what u need?

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      I guess it's that simple. I looked online for ignition coil packs for the Chevy Aveo and the ones I first saw were around $30-40. I finally found AC DELCO which was just under $100. I may go with an AC DELCO due to them being most closest to OEM than Standard and other brands priced lower. If the after market lower priced Coil packs are just as good then I may go that route. When it comes to the car's electrical & engine I tend to want the best quality.

    4. #4
      What's wrong with my car?
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      if you have found oil around a spark plug hole, that is a sign of a bad valve cover gasket ( i had oil in the spark plug tubes closest to the coil packs and none in the tubes closest to the timing belt). replaced gasket with no problems. with reguard to your coil packs... they either work or don't work. rust on the coil pack tips can be negated with the gel substance that come with the new plug wires. you can get chevy parts at a discount if you order online from buygmpartsdirect.com
      Last edited by ianf (gone); 01-08-2012 at 08:02 PM.

    5. #5
      Should I keep it?
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      Earbug- the coil pack is very straight foward. I believe you remove 3 nuts/screws and then with the plug wires pulled off you can just pull up and it should come off. and if there was powder around one of the holes on top, I bet there will be some on the bottom>>> thats where the poweder really likes to show up

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