this is for you B1rdbrain
go to walmart and buy cheap neon tubes, thouse are the ones i got
actualy i got 2 sets, for the grill and for under the dash.
ok so im geting power to the neons from the 12v plug outlet in the center counsle by the hand brake. from there the power flows in to a spliter that give me 3 12v plugs (all wires are out of sight), from there the 2 sets of neons are pluged in. and bass sound sensors are located in the ash tray for the interiour, and on the battery for the grill. what i did was splice in to the wires and put in 2 toggle switches for easy control and so that i would not have to bother pluging in and out things. from then i just attached the neon tubes under the grill and under the dash and its done, now both of the sets can be contoled from the inside, and can be set to full glow of to beat to the sound of music if inside the car or to the revving of the engine if in the grille.
and final product