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    Thread: New ECM, key 're-learn", which type?

    1. #1
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      New ECM, key 're-learn", which type?

      Hi Folks,

      The on-going, year long battle to get this 2009 Aveo5 back in reliable running state is now down to a refurbished ECM install, which informs me that I have to "re-learn" the ignition key in order for the car to start/run.

      And with the instructions come a list of different types of keys that I might have to work with. Because, of course, each has a different sequence to employ, in order for this operation to be successful. Is it a VATS key, Passkey 2, Passkey3 or Passlock?

      Yes, the vids on line describe markings and such that distinguish one from another.. but, the key for this car is not clearly one, or the other.

      Did 2009 Aveos all use different security key systems, or all utilized one type? If they used different types, can one determine the type by the VIN code?

      I would really like to know that I'm attempting to teach the car the right key needs!!

      Any help will be greatly appreciated..


    2. #2
      2004 1.6 Auto Rust Free
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      Should be passkey3

    3. #3
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Thank you!

      Quote Originally Posted by Eg.h2o View Post
      Should be passkey3

      Thanks.. I have the ECM in.. and am hoping THIS effort will get tthe car going again. I had taken it to the local dealership (50 miles away) to diagnose, which took them 5 hours and over $400.. (To hook up to a code reader??) and tell me it was a cam position sensor, but, it was safe to drive home on. Half way home, the car started shuddering, and we barely got to the house. The next day, I put the lite-weight code reader I have on it. U0001 . No BUS communication.. no other codes, and the car hasn't started since. Thank you for the great service, Dealership!!!

      Fingers crossed..

      Thanks again for the direction..


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