No Electrical Power?
Hey Guys, new to the forum. Hoping for some help. Ran into an issue with my aveo last week where she died while I was on my way to work. Completely lost power and wouldn't start. Popping the hood, noticed that the battery was VERY corroded (been having a roommate use her for the last year and he apparently did NO maintenance). Replaced the battery, but the only part of the car that gets electric is the hazzard lights, and the car tries to turn over when starting but doesn't catch.
Any ideas what may be causing this? One of my friends thought it might be a corroded grounding wire, and I wanted to get a second (and third and forth) opinion on what it could possibly be before going on a wild good chase for that.
Thanks in advance!
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Did you check the fuses?
I wasn't even sure which fuse(s) to check because it seems so systematic.
I’d start with the big one on the battery.