. quickfor messing this one up. It was originally posted as an oil catch can design. But I am in the process of redesigning and testing a new piece. "WTF, yo? How hard can it be?" you Ask. Not very. "When will you be re-posting?" you ask. "When I'm damn sure this thing works right!", I shall reply. "When will that be?". You ask. NEVER if I decide to not include the only Kickass Aveoclub chat line in with my ideas and conclusions. But, I will NOT cast you out, for I have already received too much valuable information from everyone here(and some not so valuable info) to leave you out of my own ideas. I build and design useful bolt-on pieces for all you Aveo car fanatics which are based on a limited budget, and simple parts usually found at your local auto parts store/ hardware store. My designs and ideas are pretty much 'Universal', so you can take the idea and fit it to a vehicle of your liking. If you don't like my ideas, build your own, and bring it to us so we can learn something new about our vehicles, and not banter each other with useless crapchat. If I wanted crapchat, I'd take my wife out to dinner, or try to talk 'Tranny' with the next door neighbor lady. An oil catch can design that doesn't cost you $100 bucks for a welded aluminum bucket is in the works... and you just read thru some pretty good crapchat, if I must say. Apologies