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    Thread: Oil Change on an Aveo

    1. #41
      Should I keep it?
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      What parts needs to be grease in the front end...? I'm going to be changing my oil real soon, while I'm under there.............

    2. #42
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      grease anything with nipples? (not your gf/bf/self)

    3. #43
      Should I keep it?
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      grease anything with nipples? (not your gf/bf/self)
      lmao, good one!

    4. #44
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Thymeclock View Post
      I have the same car, but when I changed the oil last fall I don't recall the drain plug gasket being "paper". Usually they are brass (if metal) or nylon or teflon. A fiber washer will also work. Another option is to get a piece of vellumoid and cut your own washer. The only thing that matters is that it doesn't leak. If I think of it when I change my oil next week I'll tell you what mine is.
      Update: I just changed my oil and found that the seal is a rubber o-ring, recessed into the head of the drain plug. That's a very good, effective design. If yours had only a paper gasket, something is fishy. Did you buy your car new? Did some quickie lube place screw around with it?

    5. #45
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Mine is metal (maybe brass), but I never change it. No leaks either way.

    6. #46
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      Hopefully, it will inspire at least 1 person with no car knowledge at all to change their oil on their car. Note: This may seem amateurish to probably 95% of the people on this board... but for that 5%, I hope it helps.
      It inspired me to change my own oil, today. I came here looking for just this info. My only modification is the beer brand. Thank you for this how to with pics! I'm extremely visual and just reading wouldn't cut it for me.

    7. #47
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Ok, I think I asked this already but not on this forum.
      How to drain the oil completely?!
      My Aveo is 2007, 1.2, from Europe (if that matters).
      Drain hole and plug on the pan are not positioned in such a way that all of the oil can leak out.
      I'm sorry I don't have a picture of it. Maybe I'll take it one of these days.
      I'm changing oil myself since I bought the car (2010) and always thinking how ****ty deal is not to be able to change the oil properly. I am second owner. Is it possible that first owner had to change the pan and had put a different, not original part?
      So, manual says 3,2 L of oil. I am able to put only 3.0 L. So there is a cup of old oil inside.
      Has anyone heard of this problem and how to solve it?
      What about using oil pump on top of the engine instead of unscrewing the bolt in order to get the oil out?
      Isn't that the way they do it in shops? I heard that way also prevents from destroying thread of the oil pan hole. Apparently some cars (like my friends FIAT) have a pan built from bad material so thing like mentioned can occur.
      I think I can get a pump fairly cheap but I dont get how to get a hose all the way to the bottom.
      Tnx for the oil change demo and great pics.
      I bought spider for the filter, but in last two times didn't need it at all. I just unscrew it and screw a new one using only hand.
      Reading your post, i realized last time I forgot to put some oil in a new filter and also forgot to lube it. D'oh!
      Beer: Karlovacko (just local Croatian, nothing special)

    8. #48
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      You will never get ALL the oil out. If its doing its job it will be coating the internals of the engine. And are you stating it for a min to fill the oil filter before you call it done? That's 1/4 to half a cup right there. If you really want the insides clean you can run some sea foam cleaning in the oil a few hundred miles before the oil change, that will pull off a lot of the deposits and allow more oil to go in. I would NEVER recommend pumping the oil out the top as you are bound to drip sludge from the bottom up higher in the engine. Always run a pure synthetic, and if you really want to be nice to it pour a quart of new oil through after it drains as a rinse.

    9. #49
      What's wrong with my car?
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      A couple of things:

      1) The original poster of the how-to wrote: "You may also want to add a bit of oil inside it so that theres a bit of oil in it when you start the engine. This is tough to do though because the filter lies horizontal in the engine." This is actually easy to do if you have a little patience and is good for your engine. Once I have the oil draining I turn the new filter open end up in its box and using a funnel I pour new oil into it up to approx. half full. I then let it sit for an hour or so while the oil drains and I find something else to do. After an hour the filter material has soaked up all the oil you primed the filter with and it is easy to install without spilling any oil from the filter. Don't forget to coat the rubber gasket on the filter with a film of new oil just prior to installing.

      2) When I did my first oil change on my 2007 Aveo5 SVM I installed a Fumoto (Fumoto USA | Quick and Easy Engine Oil Drain Valves) oil drain valve on the car prior to pouring in the new oil. It has worked great ever since and allows me to drain the oil the moment the car is up on the wheel ramps. Just remember to close the valve prior to pouring in the new oil.

    10. #50
      Should I keep it?
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      I probably should have followed some of these tips, but i had fun.

      Here is my little how to on changing oil and filter


      Chevrolet Aveo 1.6 auto LS Sedan 2009 - Right hand side drivers - SOUTH AFRICA...

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