Sounds like it's time to catch an end of year sale and snag a new headunit.
Sounds like it's time to catch an end of year sale and snag a new headunit.
Well there isn't anything we can do on here for you. The code would've been included with the manual, warranty, and misc information when the car was purchased. You'll need to go to a dealer.Originally Posted by pqaveo
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
Okay, so I know this is way far off from the original subject of the thread, so feel free to move it somewhere else if you want. I called up the dealer I bought the car from, and after being lead in circles for a while, the final answer they came up with was that the code is not provided upon delivery of the car. The only way to get it is to bring it in to a GM service location and have them plug it in to some machine that gives them a code. Then they have to call GM and use that code to get the code to unlock the unit. Quite a bunch of bs if you ask me. Probablyl just gonna go for a new unit.
It's an antitheft code... you need to go through GM to get it... it's not BS. Easier to swap out the headunit.
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
who would steal a gay stock radio?
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.
Just for the kick of it-I also bought my Aveo used, and my car recruiter (did I get that right?!!!) Never gave me the code with my aveo, even tho I was given manuals for the car. HOWEVER, I did at one point disconnect my battery and the code thingy came about and I couldn't find it. (It could've been my own stupidity in not seeing the code ANYWHERE, but still,) I did find a number for Chevy regarding this, and once called, I pretty much found out that I would have to take my Aveo in, have them plug in a computer to it and retrieve the code by thier own means, to whch I would wind up probably paying for it, and by the time I got off the phone, I was resolved to go to best buy. I bought a new deck for 115 bucks and I'm happy as all get out!![]()
Moral of the story:
I should've just bought the new deck! IT WAS LESS OF A HASSLE!![]()
*soapbox collapses on gonzokidd- aaah! AAH! AAAH!*![]()
"A True Soldier fights not becuase he hates whats in front of him; but becuase he loves whats behind him."
how would ya put leds in to the vents by the doors?
Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!
wow so thats what my name was? megaveo610....huh well im back and i couldnt remember my name so its outrageousbveo now i cant believe my how to on this mod was so popular