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    Thread: Timing belt change on 2006 Aveo LS: My new detailed write-up

    1. #91
      Should I keep it?
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      The 07 is still at 60K. Mine did not make it, but the guide is great!
      I used it when I replaced my head.
      Not hard.....

    2. #92
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      Quote Originally Posted by avguy View Post
      This DIY was done for a 2006, and I know the job is essentially the same for 04-06. I also know there are significant changes to the timing belt setup on the newer Aveos, and the timing belt change interval has been upped to 100K miles.
      But I don't know where the '07 fits into all of this. So, before you using this guide, hopefully someone who knows for sure will post if this guide works 100% for an '07. Same for the Tstat. The plastic housing on the earlier years is garbage and should be replaced. But if your '07 has the metal one, there's no need to replace it until the stat itself goes bad.

      Edit: Just read the next post on the '08, which probably means your '07 will also be able to use this same DIY.
      Hi..thanks for the reply..yes the 07 is still 60k..either way dont wanna take a chance waiting..and i'll have to look for the thermostat and see

    3. #93
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      Im also wondering, before removing the old timing belt, how can I tell if the old belt had jumped out of time? I'm guessing the camshaft pulley notches wont directly line up or face directly opposite of each other even when the crankshaft pulley is lined up with its own notch, but I want to make sure..thanks

    4. #94
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      When your crank in in position, the cams should match. If they do not, than you have jumped a tooth or more.
      If this is the case, run a compression test prior to changing the belt. If you do not have good compression on all cylinders, you may have a bent valve. When my belt broke, I ended up with 4 bent valves, and a bad head. I had to get a new one.

    5. #95
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      Great, thanks for the reply and a quick one at that!

    6. #96
      Should I keep it?
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      Not a problem. On line and saw the e mail....

    7. #97
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      Hi, thanks for the replies so far.

      I was reading another thread about removing the crankshaft pulley where it mentioned being careful NOT to remove the timing pulley (gear behind the crank pulley). How likely is that to happen when removing the crank pulley and what should I look for?

      On a separate note, was learning about harmonic balancers. Is this the same as the crank pulley or is it something else entirely? Location?


      07 Aveo.

    8. #98
      Should I keep it?
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      If it comes off, do not worry.
      There is a keyway that only allows it to go in the correct way!
      Kinda fool proof.
      The only problen I had was that the Keyway had worn off, and I had to get another from Autozone (Yes, I was shocked they could get it!).
      Just take your time, and if you have any mechanical abilities, you will be fine.
      If I may ask, what is your locations?
      If you are near by and need a hand you can let me know.

    9. #99
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      Quote Originally Posted by vante@q.com View Post
      If it comes off, do not worry.
      There is a keyway that only allows it to go in the correct way!
      Kinda fool proof.
      The only problen I had was that the Keyway had worn off, and I had to get another from Autozone (Yes, I was shocked they could get it!).
      Just take your time, and if you have any mechanical abilities, you will be fine.
      If I may ask, what is your locations?
      If you are near by and need a hand you can let me know.
      Hi, thank you again. Im in Socal..quite a bit aways unfortunately.
      I'm confident I have enough mechanical ability to pull off the job but since I've never done it I do keep coming up with questions as I read more, since I do not want to assume anything.

      If you dont mind, wanted to ask a couple more.

      I have an automatic and I read that I cant step on the brake to stop the crank from turning over for bolt removal. I also do not have an impact wrench. But I read this guide: Common problems (where it says under #3 I can not get the crank bolt loose), to jam a screwdriver into a slot on the crank hub in order to keep it from turning over. It also adds a warning that the crank pulley has a outer metal ring that is attached to the inner hub by a layer of rubber, and that holding the pulley by the outer ring could break the rubber layer.
      I've inserted a picture and labeled the ring, rubber, and layer to what I believe are the corresponding parts. But with that concern in mind, i was wondering, is this still a good method?

      Name:  crank pulley3.jpg
Views: 3495
Size:  87.8 KB

      In regards to replacing the water pump, if I decide to remove the camshaft pulleys, do they have a keyway system (similar to the timing gear) where they only go back on one correct way, in order to (so to speak)
      preserve the timing?

      As far as a replacing tensioners, idler, and water pump, I was thinking of getting Gates TCKWP335. But I read that although the belt is good quality, the other components are "junk".
      (such as post #7 and 18 on http://www.aveoforum.com/forum/f82/t...uestion-13852/)

      So at this point, I'm inclined to research more kits or buying the components individually but I'm very open to recommendations.

      Thank you again.
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    10. #100
      Should I keep it?
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      I am a shade tree mechanic, with a good amount of tools.
      If you can get your hands on an impact wrench, you will be in great shape.
      I have had mine for more than 10 years, and cant think what life was like with out it!
      The right tool makes all of the difference.

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