I find it annoying when I am trying to work on my car, or show off the sound system in my car with the front driver door open, and the key is in the ignition and turned to provide power to the radio, but the open door beeper messes up the sound and it gets annoying right? Hopefully I'm not the only one right? Anyway to get rid of that beeping without having to remove the metal face plate under the steering wheel:
Step 1: Find the small brown box peeking out from the top of a steel plate just above the brake pedal.
Step 2: Find the white plug attached to the brown box (if you are still worried about if it's the right one, just feel it while it's beeping and you can feel the speaker vibrate), reach on top of the white plug for a snap lock and push it down to unlock the plug and pull it out, the beeping will stop.
It does not hurt your car in any way, the computer still thinks it's beeping so its safe.