Hi! I'm Kim. My 2006 Aveo hatchback is Rihanna!
So, Rihanna has been leaking oil out of the top, under what I call the "vanity cover" I did a bit of googling, and came to the conclusion it was a valve gasket cover.
This was about 6 months ago.....
I purchased the items needed to replace the cover gasket. Then, I got stuck in a bit of an embarrassing predicament. I couldn't get off the vanity cover. Those stupid allen wrench bolts kicked my backside.
Now, Rihanna isn't the greatest car, but she keeps going no matter what I do to her. (hence the name) But, the oil has gotten worse, and now smokes whenever I stop. I went to the store and got a allen wrench head that I could use on a hex wrench. 3 bolts broke off, and one was stripped. And, I'm a chick that weighs 135 lbs, so I felt powerful and disappointed at the same time. So, I did what I considered the intelligent thing: I pretty much destroyed that stupid plastic cover. Ripped it off. It's in 4 different pieces in my garage trash can.
So, tomorrow, I get to actually take the real top off and get to work. I don't see any sort of plastic, and mainly good old fashioned bolts, so I think we will be ok. That being said, please allow me to ask you kind people a few questions if I may:
1) it appears that the stripped screws are now a permanent fixture on the top of my engine. I'm cool with this, but want to make sure that these silly things only bolted into this top piece. If not, and somehow they reach through and subsequently attach the top of the engine to the actual block, I may have additional problems.
2) Once I get in there, I will probably switch out the plugs as well. Something tells me that the stupid vanity cover had never been off before, and the car has 110k miles on it. (yes....it is the original timing belt AFAIK...) I'm assuming I'm going to have a lot of oil around the plugs. If some of it happens to fall into the block, is that a real big no-no?
3) Outside of the normal things everyone has in their garage, is there any strange outlandish tool that I will need to utilize?
Thanks in advance for any help. My "used to be second job" (pizza delivery) has temporarily become my primary source of income. So, I'm slowly trying to get the car back in shape.....