Well.. seeing as how anything goes .. I figure ill do my first rant ...lol
I am scheduled to work from 3P- 11P on Sunday night... and the same guy ALWAYS comes in after me... but some how he forgot he was supposed to come in... SOOOO.. here am at 1A, 2 hours after i technically got off.. and will now be leaving here at 7A, going to a wedding rehearsal where I am doing the music, and to top it all off I have to be back in tomorrow night from 3P -11P ......
I swear.. some people are just plain worthless... working at the Marriott is the EASIEST job in the world.... the night Audit, is pretty much just a gather papers, and let people in shift.....I mean... I have time to do this right?
The Manager, who is supposed to come in in the event this happens... when called goes.... well... umm ... i'm blocked in ..there is a bar next door, and the sheriff is parked in front of my house.....keeping me from getting out over the course of the next 8 hours.. BS
Well... my rant for having a sucky night and a way to eat up 10mins...lol( thanks TV for not having anything good on)