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    Thread: Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

    1. #1
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      Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

      This was an email that was forwarded to me by my mom with a clip on youtube from FOX LIVE. Scary!!!
      Subject: Do NOT go to cars . gov
      All of you ICs, living the Big Life now that you are making good money, are probably thinking about taking advantage of the "New" Governmental program - Cash for Clunkers - and are going to trade that ol' '74 Nova for a new 'Vette. Watch this first, please; it will make you wonder (if you don't already) about our new President and his Cabinet.
      Subject: Do NOT go to cars . gov
      Do NOT go to cars . gov
      This is unbelievable but true, check it out (you MUST watch this).

      We have evil communists in Washington (if you don't believe it, just watch the above YouTube video).

      Farthest North Aveo: Fairbanks, Alaska

    2. #2
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Re: Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

      I don't think they are instantly taking over you computer, they are advising you that all information is subject to inspection since you are connecting to their network. Did you know that if you check your personal email at work, and your employer is subpoenaed for electronic records, your personal email is subject to submission since you accessed it from your employer's computer. Nothing new....now the whole cash for clunkers program and how it will be payed for by future generations......that is a whole other discussion.

      http://compnetworking.about.com/library ... nivore.htm

    3. #3
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      Re: Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

      the ususal lol, gotta love the G man :P

      GO BILL

    4. #4
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      Re: Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

      Quote Originally Posted by AveoRob
      now the whole cash for clunkers program and how it will be payed for by future generations......that is a whole other discussion.
      considering that it is the one program out of the huge bailout that actually "goes" to the taxpayer.. and it is stimulating sales in the auto industry. plus a 1/4 of the cars being brought in are not going to the program, and the owners are still getting the 3500-4500 trade. i think it is the only successful part of the bailout.

    5. #5
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Re: Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit
      Quote Originally Posted by AveoRob
      now the whole cash for clunkers program and how it will be payed for by future generations......that is a whole other discussion.
      considering that it is the one program out of the huge bailout that actually "goes" to the taxpayer.. and it is stimulating sales in the auto industry. plus a 1/4 of the cars being brought in are not going to the program, and the owners are still getting the 3500-4500 trade. i think it is the only successful part of the bailout.
      I am a little gun shy, so with all due respect....here goes

      In a nutshell this money can only come from two places, either debt or they print it. If it is debt, it must be payed back in the future, if they print it, it only leads to inflation. Either way it will be a problem. The other issue is it is short lived, once the money runs out, the showrooms will be barren again. That is why they are scrambling to extend the program another 2 billion now (where do you think they get this money, debt or the printing press). Everyone is trying to get back to the "good ole days", well those days are gone and some serious changes need to be made, not by pumping money into the economy trying to artificially inflate it. The younger gerneration here really needs to understand this, because it will be you paying for this for the next 20 years or more in taxes or astronomical inflation rates.

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      Re: Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

      i don't agree with the bail out at all. i guess i should have stated that. but with a trillion dollars given out to businesses, "private" government projects, etc. I will not complain about the 3 billion dollars that actually helps a tax payer with a job (enough of one to buy a car) get $4500 for his pos trade in, so he can afford something that will potentially lessen our dependence on foreign oil in the "potential immediate future"

      like i said its the only part of the bail out program that helps people who work, but don't make much. but they work. how much does the government spend on social security checks in a year for people who don't need it? (if you need it you should get it, but i feel no one deserves a free ride).

    7. #7
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Re: Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

      Oh no...did you mention social security? You know it won't be long until there are more people collecting SS than paying into it, right? As the baby boomers age, there are not enough people to pay into the pot to support it. Wanna talk about "free" health care??

    8. #8
      What do you mean there's no turbo? LarsBud's Avatar
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      Re: Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

      We have free health care here in Canada and it works, hell we only have what, 1/3 the people you have to payinto it. Yes we have to pay more tax, but you get what you pay for.
      Always make the best of what you have!

    9. #9
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      Re: Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

      if you have 1/3 of the people in canada and they all pay into healthcare. Then you have the same amount of people in the US paying for everyone healthcare (1/3 of the people paying for the other 2/3 to get free healthcare). Tell me how that "system" works?

    10. #10
      What do you mean there's no turbo?
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      Re: Beware of Cash for Clunkers aka cars.gov

      This is the open forum....and this is just good healthy conversation......no offense to anyone


      Taxes are way higher in canada...everything is for that matter..even your Aveo. And I agree 100% with "you get what you pay for"...how will you get the "best" health care if you don't pay. What is the incentive to the physician? This is socialism. when will it end? What is my incentive to work hard and do well when the guy next door sits home, gets high all day, collects welfare, food stamps, heating assistance, rental assistance, and free health care, on my dime. I'm sorry, but the good ole USA was built on capitalism, and capitalism should be allowed to run it's course without govenment interference. JMHO

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