i lol'd hard
That was hysterical I pee'd my pants
JDM, NOS, V-TEC, POWER SHIFT! yeah ok I hate honda's a little now.
2008 Aveo5 SV
I will think of a better signature later.
dont hate on me player
Not hating on you just your honda. JDM!
2008 Aveo5 SV
I will think of a better signature later.
dont hate on JDM yo, im so tyte
Lol, ok I admit it, I dont actually have a problem with JDM. Guess I will stick with making fun of the V-TEC!
2008 Aveo5 SV
I will think of a better signature later.
dawd vtec is b3tt3r th@n y0uR av30 Br0
Gonna go with a classic arguement here.... there is no replacement for displacement. Vtec is really just Vpoo. :P
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.