Originally Posted by mikedudley17
Thats cool... Just a Bit over priced i think... Maybe I'll still get them cause I dont feel like putting together a kit. I'll pay for the ease of having everything right there. So i may get it in a few weeks.
Originally Posted by mikedudley17
Thats cool... Just a Bit over priced i think... Maybe I'll still get them cause I dont feel like putting together a kit. I'll pay for the ease of having everything right there. So i may get it in a few weeks.
i was just thinkin of getting 4 sets of 3/pack l.e.d.s but this would def. add some ease to it. but i can get the l.e.d.s for 28$ at pep boys down the street and i have like 5 colors to choose from. more than likely since my car is blue id get blue.
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
I'd just get white... goin for the clean oem look.
http://vidsearch.myspace.com/index.cfm? ... id=3854631
^you will laugh your ass off! its like 20 minutes long but i guarantee the best 20 minutes of your life! well ok maybe not but...
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
http://www.gminsidenews.com/forums/arch ... 26740.html
interesting article about small (and i mean small) v8 motors.
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
i remember Mazda had a 1.8L v6, at the time (maybe still is) the industries smallest v6
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC6W89SZ ... ed&search=
pretty nice aveo pics from south america.
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
I LOVE that Chev Beat... looks sick from front on.
As for that Aveo, there are WAY too many different tones in there. Like a gray kit, black and white racing stripe... cmon... Plus I find the bumper sticks out too much around the headlights. Are they trying to design a spaceship?
if my aveo could turn into a space ship that would be freakin awesome!Originally Posted by Tyson
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.
ok, this is for all you restless, laying in bed wide awake, cant get to sleep, i hate my insomnia, sleepers out there. its pretty cool and you can make everything how you want to. i tried it last night and i slep like a freakin rock! lol well enuff rambling, here it is:
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.