"A True Soldier fights not becuase he hates whats in front of him; but becuase he loves whats behind him."
Mine is more like 98% Bull **** 1% Telling you to take you head out you're ass and 1% Tec.Originally Posted by AVE0SAM
You did WHAT? to your Aveo? HAHAHAHAHA
if what you post is because your head is out of ur ass then ill gladly keep mine where it is. i think most of us can agree you are horrible at arguing, especially because you are border line illiterate. and when you know your wrong u dont just admit it, u just go on trying to argue about something else and change the topic or result to personal attacksOriginally Posted by B1rdbrain
Dude I have to Dumb it down when i come to this site. My dr. just gave me an I.Q. test. not one of them internet ones, the real deal. and i'll bet i have one of the Higher I.Q.'s on this Board. I am not going to Post my score but it's way over 120 and that is the Average in my tested Group.Originally Posted by AVE0SAM
You did WHAT? to your Aveo? HAHAHAHAHA
i don't even need to fabricate my own post someone has already said
that last post reaks of BS....oh it just so happens that your doctor happen to give u a random IQ test just about the same time I question your intelligence...hey even if it is true, did u ever think hey why is my doctor question my IQ since he felt it was necessary for you to take one...personally you sound like someone with something to hide if i had a high IQ score it wouldnt really matter to me if I posted but yet u hold back....who cares if your IQ is higher, my dad can beat up your daddyOriginally Posted by gonzokidd
154 asshole and i asked to get it 2 weeks ago when i found out that she deals with this kind of testing. i wanted to know what i would score. BUT WHO ARE YOU TO NEED TO REALLY KNOW????? the only thing i try to hide is how smart i am Cuz you Dumbasses Act like you are so ****ing Smart.Originally Posted by AVE0SAM
You did WHAT? to your Aveo? HAHAHAHAHA
People with a 154 IQ Don't drive Aveos delivering pizzas and then make $14 an hour as an upped paygrade...
Unless you are massive ADD...
If your IQ is 154 AFTER your were a pro wrestler, you must've been smarter than Bill Gates before you were a wrestler...
Now get off the forum and go create the next Computer Conglomerate. Bill Gates is about to retire so now is your chance...
-- xtreme 2
Body Kits | Exhaust | Intakes | More!
there are more important Things in Life then Money And i don't Deliver Pizza's. I wouldn't be caught Dead Delivering Pizza's. Besides i am working on Building a sober living Compound (That is the reason for my degree and also why i was Ordained). You see i have some family that are involved in N.A. and i have met many people that are Addicts. the one and only thing that everyone has told me is there Nightmare Sober Living Housing. most Sober living places are a House that you must share a room with some one. My idea is to build a hotel like place like a Nursing home so everyone can get a room for them selfs and a bathroom to them selfs. the rent in these places are like $900 a month and you MUST share a room with some stranger and only 8 people live in a house i want to make a place that houses something like 30 people for the same rent and you get a private room. with 24/7 counselors with Security to keep the dealers out and a Community Garden.Originally Posted by xtreme 2
i have never went out to become Rich or tryed to make tons of money. i have always made just enough money to be happy and keep a roof over my head(it's a Karma thing for me). my Sober living housing is designed to be self efficient it will have a wind generator, Solar Panels, Tankless water heaters, and Vans to drive people that runs on biodiesel. On top of that a good Cook and the people that live there will also be the cleaning crew. i would like a weight room with a Hot tub and a Physical therapy Dr. that comes in 3-4 times a week. this has been in the workings for about a year and i am ready to go get the grants to buy the land. i have 3 places that i like but the paper work is whats slowing me down. i hope to be breaking ground by march 2009.
As far a me driving an Aveo i got it for the MPG and it was the Newest car and best MPG car that i was able to find and keep the cost down. It's a Practical car. and i have the sedan. i personaly do not like the Aveo 5 but i think i may get the 2008 Aveo sedan later this year. Now that they have the 10 year 100,000 mile warranty on them.
Now reading this post do you really want me to show how smart i really am or should i just keep Dumbing it down for you nitwits.........****ing crackheads
You did WHAT? to your Aveo? HAHAHAHAHA
I graduated with a 3.8 GPA....I haven't used it since then, but I am smar...smar....is this how you spell smartt?Originally Posted by B1rdbrain
"A True Soldier fights not becuase he hates whats in front of him; but becuase he loves whats behind him."
Well this is how you spell Smartass G. O. N. Z. O. K. I. D. D.Originally Posted by gonzokidd
By the way you're I.Q. Score is not you're GPA you can have a GPA of 3.8 and still have an I.Q. of 95 and you can have a GPA of 2.0 and have an I.Q. of 160 Like Einstein Who Flunked out of Math. here go to this Web site and test you're self to see if you can qualify to get in Mensa http://www.mensa.org/ i forget the cut off I.Q. score is to be able to Join but i am sure most of you wouldn't make it in so that's OK to.
You're in the Army you must have at least GED to join right? you must be hanging out with tons of Smart people all day on the Base (ok this was a bad Joke i Know, it was ment to poke fun at you. i do support our troops) by the way Gonzokidd check out http://www.wickedjester.com/ they have a ton of Cool t'shirts that are made for the Army, Navy, Airforce and Marines........ along with some funny shirts too P.M me what you think of there shirts. i have like 8 different shirts from them.
You did WHAT? to your Aveo? HAHAHAHAHA