Of all the comments, I like this one the best. I have a Ford Ranger, not so bad on tail-haters (pun). As soon I am in the aveo, small car gets pushed around by some stupid SUV way to f'ng close. I used to be bad about tail-gating and I learned that keeping more distance actually allowed me to maneuver better and/or distance to accelerate.
This morning I had a dumb biatch tail-gate me, as I was accelerating to pass. She was all over me and I let her know not to play with me and then I let her go. I loved watching her tail-every over person up the high-way this morning. She was part of the me generation!
Yes I do think that aggressive driving is on the rise. We have all the factors mentioned before (small vs. big, me generation, distracted driving, stupid people). I took a safety driving class this past fall and we over aggressive driving, I am just as guilty as the next A-hole.
I wish law-enforcement would do stuff curb the behavior instead of pulling people for speeding. On the way to church on sunday, we had three cars pulled over on a empty road. The police here are too lazy to enforce things that would make a difference instead they do easy things like speeding. If there are any police on the forum I would like to here your views as I know you have a way too tough of a job.
For example: Statistically about 1/4 of accidents are directly reported to speeding then an other 1/4 are control violations (traffic lights and such), I sure don't see cops stopping people for running red lights and I assure you that the big thing to do in the south.
Now I am going to get on my soap box about our car culture. I love my cars and my aveo, but dammit cars are dangerous and can really kill you. Every time you pass somebody slower on the road (cyclist, mo-ped, scooter) how much room do you give them to pass? A lot or do you just zip right by? This sunday in the parking lot, I had a stupid old man skim with the nose of his car as I was locking my door he passed within a foot of my body. If had hit the accelerator, I would have been pinned and seriously hurt. Don't take chances with lives, don't take chances with the care and injury anybody.
Cars are dangerous.
By the way, I don't believe in car accidents just poor risk assessment as somebody made a choice to injury somebody.
And just in case of staying the right hand lane, cars are dangerous!