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    Thread: Road bullying

    1. #21
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      i am not sure how the laws are written in every/any other state, but from my understanding, you need to be a resident just to buy a car. I believe/understand in PA you need to be a resident to buy insurance, even car insurance.
      If you examine a DMV registration application you will realize that you don't need to own the vehicle to register it, or even reside in that state. The registrant must be licensed and have the vehicle insured before it can be registered in that particular state (meaning license plates and registration issued to some person or entity). The registrant (person or corporation) must have liability insurance for whatever damages might be caused by that vehicle, no matter who is driving it.

      i imagine these guys are driving around on signed titles?

      some states the plates stay with the car, and you can update the address on the internet (loophole?) i know i bought a car from seattle right after the guy renewed the plates, and i was "legally" driving it for a year on those plates here in pittsburgh.
      That might be peculiar to your state. I don't think it's allowed in the more populated states for more than a short grace period, if at all. There are very few (if any?) states left that don't require mandated liability insurance.

      imho if illegals, etc put as much effort into life as they do beating the system they could all be productive and rich tax paying members of society.. i dont know how they get away with it, i know my parents got hit in the church van, they guys just got out of their car and ran away, leaving the car behind.. it was registered to a dead guy.
      All the laws on earth can't help you if you are hit by a car that was stolen. The laws we have are meant to keep ordinary citizens in line. Nothing really can keep a criminal in line - except maybe prison, ...or execution.

    2. #22
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      illegal aliens are criminals, i don't care if you want to be here, be here legally.

      they get the governments free ride in florida, everything from free healthcare to not paying taxes, how do i become an illegal if its "ok" to be one otherwise?

    3. #23
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      all states require insurance as far as i know as well, even the car i bought had insurance i bought, without transferring it.

    4. #24
      Still love my daily driver Thymeclock's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      illegal aliens are criminals, i don't care if you want to be here, be here legally.

      they get the governments free ride in florida, everything from free healthcare to not paying taxes, how do i become an illegal if its "ok" to be one otherwise?
      I don't understand the question. I assume you are a US citizen and a taxpayer. As long as you are, you get to support aliens that are here illegally. If it doesn't sit well with you, you will need to "petition your elected representatives" (meaning beg them) to enforce the existing laws that are being ignored. But don't be surprised if they are given amnesty instead, an idea promoted by politicians who hope to garner their votes. There is power in numbers...

      Hey, this didn't happen overnight. Somebody invited them here and/or 'turned a blind eye' toward allowing it to happen. Funny how that never is mentioned...

    5. #25
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      Quote Originally Posted by petrified.rabbit View Post
      all states require insurance as far as i know as well, even the car i bought had insurance i bought, without transferring it.
      No, insurance doesn't get "transferred". If you want to register a vehicle you must buy insurance. Then, as the policyholder, you can add as many cars to the policy as you wish and obtain plates for them - providing you pay the insurance fees, as determined by the company insuring you. No proof of insurance, no plates will be issued. If you get the proof of insurance and obtain the plates, then cancel your insurance, the insurance company will report it to the issuing state. Which means you might get away with driving uninsured temporarily, but not for long.

    6. #26
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      i meant i could insure the car without owning it. not transfer the insurance.

    7. #27
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      Quote Originally Posted by Thymeclock View Post
      Well, if you slowly creep out at the last second in front of someone going the speed limit on a major thoroughfare, don't expect them to be happy if they need to slam on their brakes to avoid your not yielding right of way.

      OTOH, if you did have plenty of room to enter reasonably, and are driving responsibly, all you need do is ignore them completely. Once you have entered and are both proceeding in the same direction you need not worry about being rear ended. In rear end collisions the offending vehicle is entirely at fault.

      Let them sit behind you and wait, or pass you, since they have ample opportunity. You are too easily intimidated.

      Are you old? Do you drive a Buick? It seems to me you are hyping this up.

      How is this relevant?

      This makes no sense. You insurance rates are set by the area in which you live, determined by population density and your age, primarily. If you have accidents or tickets, your driving record (which follows you for 40 months) will make your insurance premium fly "sky high". (I get the impression there is more to this story than is being told.)

      So far, what you have described is not the "chicken" scenario. Let 'em hit you. I'll say it again: bullies choose their 'victims'.

    8. #28
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      I ran aveeo off the road with my swagger, I am such a boss

    9. #29
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it?
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      I like the people who honk at me when I am at a stoplight and it just turns green. People who dont drive manual transmissions dont realize that unless we want to add wear and tear to our clutch, were not always in gear so it takes a half a second to get moving. I love to mimic the driver behind me if they make angry motions at me. Then I blow them a kiss (male or female) and if its a female I will make the V symbol with my fingers and make a licking action. Their expressions always change from angry to WTF? It hasnt failed me yet and as some pass me, they wont even look at me. Empowerment.

      Moral of the story, dont honk at me unless I am at fault. Sorry if your double mocha expresso shot coffee from starbucks has you so on edge that you have to be everywhere at once and pee.
      You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.

    10. #30
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it? thehunterooo's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by thehunterooo View Post
      I ran aveeo off the road with my swagger, I am such a boss
      just be a boss and own the road

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