I'll put the word out to the Vega guys. (my other car, the Monza, was built off the chevy Vega platform, for better or for worse). So I know where to market it. It wont go for big bucks, but I can get it moved.
Hhhmmmm, well the vega one can go for like 20$ cus the cover is damaged morethan id like it to be or I can maybe make it an auction and if you know a few peeps they can bid on it to make it fair. I can start it at like 15$.
If you want the Chiltons, make an offer. I gotmore books, and can take more pics upon request, but if you want something hit me up via PM.
Thanks for the help peeps! Ill postup some more, I got an old service manual for camaros and other shiz.
You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.