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    Thread: tattoo (post pics if u have one)

    1. #1
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it?
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      tattoo (post pics if u have one)

      lookin to get some ink done but unsure of what to get. been lookin at pics and such but its so hard to decide. i kinda like this one:


      but id get a diff symbol of course, like the symbol for loyalty or honor. its hard to figure out, anyone got any suggestions or ideas?

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    2. #2
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      Re: tattoo

      coming from the medical backround, i say DON'T, tattoos realy effect you immune system which in turn effects your health.
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    3. #3
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it?
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      Re: tattoo

      how so?

      im a very healthy person, rarely get sick, altho when i do get sick, im down and out for a good while lol.
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    4. #4
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      Re: tattoo

      Dennis are you kidding? My buddies are full of ink and never even get a cold...maybe it's Canadian tattoos you should stay away from. LOL If you go to a clean shop, there shouldn't be any problems.
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    5. #5
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      Re: tattoo

      immune system will be fighting the ink this is why over time tattoos fade, there for you have less resorses to fight infections and other health problems. we are all healthy when we are in out 20s, but we all get old and when that happends the ink under you skin will make it worse.

      you said that you have buddys that have tattoos and are healthy, schince proves that that will not be the case in the later year or there life, and that they can be healther right now if they didn't have the tattoos.

      95% of the population does not know the health effect thing such as tattoos have on human body, and are usualy too ignorant to listen to the other 5%. if every one knew what health proffesinals know they would be afraid to live there life.

      do what you want but keep in mind that medicine sujests agains it.
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    6. #6
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      Re: tattoo

      Dennis that may have been true with ink back in the day. But, today's inks are much safer.
      Always choose your artist carefully. Is his personal portfolio up to it? Is his workspace super clean? Are 'they' super clean?

    7. #7
      Timing belt broke, do I keep it?
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      Re: tattoo

      Quote Originally Posted by deniswhite1
      immune system will be fighting the ink this is why over time tattoos fade, there for you have less resorses to fight infections and other health problems. we are all healthy when we are in out 20s, but we all get old and when that happends the ink under you skin will make it worse.

      you said that you have buddys that have tattoos and are healthy, schince proves that that will not be the case in the later year or there life, and that they can be healther right now if they didn't have the tattoos.

      95% of the population does not know the health effect thing such as tattoos have on human body, and are usualy too ignorant to listen to the other 5%. if every one knew what health proffesinals know they would be afraid to live there life.

      do what you want but keep in mind that medicine sujests agains it.
      i appreciate ur input! are u in the field of medicine? its sumtin for me to look into.

      i plan to go to a reputable parlor, the most popular one here in chicago. its called the Jade Dragon. they have the best ratings around here. also a lil more spendy but it def. worth it.
      You can not commit crimes in a Aveo. Its just not fast enough.

    8. #8
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      Re: tattoo

      Quote Originally Posted by mikedudley17
      Quote Originally Posted by deniswhite1
      immune system will be fighting the ink this is why over time tattoos fade, there for you have less resorses to fight infections and other health problems. we are all healthy when we are in out 20s, but we all get old and when that happends the ink under you skin will make it worse.

      you said that you have buddys that have tattoos and are healthy, schince proves that that will not be the case in the later year or there life, and that they can be healther right now if they didn't have the tattoos.

      95% of the population does not know the health effect thing such as tattoos have on human body, and are usualy too ignorant to listen to the other 5%. if every one knew what health proffesinals know they would be afraid to live there life.

      do what you want but keep in mind that medicine sujests agains it.
      i appreciate ur input! are u in the field of medicine? its sumtin for me to look into.

      i plan to go to a reputable parlor, the most popular one here in chicago. its called the Jade Dragon. they have the best ratings around here. also a lil more spendy but it def. worth it.
      yes, i will be a nurce practitioner upon graduation
      Its more fun to drive a slow car fast, rather than drive a fast car slow!

    9. #9
      I'll keep it and add a turbo
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      Re: tattoo

      Well, as a Dr. in training (in my 2nd year of med school), I'm going to politely disagree a bit with Denis. I have yet to see a complication of tattoos that aren't from either illegal/prison tattoos or tattoo removal. Allergic reactions can occur, as can scarring and keloids(mostly on black people), but those are uncommon. From what I understand, even infections are rare.

      If you're dealing with a fully licensed tattoo parlor, you should be just fine. You have a much higher risk for medical complications from piercings than you do from tattoos. And a higher complication rate from dentists. I hate dentists.

      As for your immune system fighting the ink... not usually true. Histologically, since the ink deposits are found mostly in fibrous structures of the skin, they are mostly inert to the immune system. Granulomas and other inflammatory reactions can take place, but they are rare.

      But Denis, I definitely agree about being in the medical profession making you scared to live. It freaks me out every day. Every little pain I get, I think crazy thoughts. This morning, my abdomen hurt for no reason, and I convinced myself that I was having a AAA.

      I'll ask one of my friends who has more experience in derm what she thinks about it (she has a tattoo). Although I wouldn't say getting a tattoo is a healthy thing to do, chances are it won't affect your health in the long run. And then when you want it removed, you can pay a few grand to one of my Derm friends to take it off!

    10. #10
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      Re: tattoo

      Quote Originally Posted by Fighting Irish
      But Denis, I definitely agree about being in the medical profession making you scared to live. It freaks me out every day. Every little pain I get, I think crazy thoughts. This morning, my abdomen hurt for no reason, and I convinced myself that I was having a AAA.

      you thought you had a tow truck?

      i don't know anything on this topic. But i figure the minority of people wont have tattoo's in the future. so i wont get one because i dont want to be like everyone else who doesn't want to be like anyone else.. you know that whole mainstream counterculture revolution.

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