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    Thread: Thinking about adding "On-board air"

    1. #1
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Lightbulb Thinking about adding "On-board air"

      So yeah, thinking about putting together my own system, with an old propane tank as a reservoir, a pressure switch connected to a hard wired 100 psi pump from harbor freight that's proven itself to me a million times. I'd like to run a hose to the front of my car with a quick connect in the air Dam (the fog light area) and another quick connect at the license plate. I'll carry a stretch hose to connect to those.

      Obviously I'd have instant access to air for mine and others tires, I like to blow out the cracks after a car wash, any other uses anyone can come up with? Those two are enough for me alone lol, but if anyone can think of other uses and they seem like things I could use, I'd adjust the system accordingly.

      Thanks guys for any advice

    2. #2
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      how about suspension? A few of the air ride systems We have installed include an air fitting for guys to use an impact to change tires, etc.

      My suggestion to you would be, not to run a hose through the frame of the car, use copper line instead (at least). Second, I m not sure what the pressure rating is on a propane take. I think it could handle it, but make sure before you blow something up.

    3. #3
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Love the idea. I would follow Rabbit's advice and yes on the copper tubing. All tanks have a DOT stamp and I would do a lot of research before using an old tank. Here is a link to the safety material on propane tanks:

      As a friendly reminder of what happens when a pressure vessel let's loose:
      Please do not power off, firmware update pending.....

    4. #4
      What's wrong with my car?
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      Oh yeah great idea with the copper line. Or even just black pipe? Hard pipe either way is Def the way to go. As far as the propane tanks go... I've used quite a few rigged up to supplement my smaller air compressors while on the job site, say like doing a large roof. I'll get a new one, once it's done, make sure it's clear, drip and weld a petcock in for moisture. And it would be a great idea to put a 1/4 steel plate on the back of my back seat... Just for piece of mind.

      The air suspension would be nice! I'd love to have that smooth ride! But that's not in the funds right now... But that's something I can add later on with this setup! I appreciate the input guys! And thanks for that vid... Eye opening.

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