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    Thread: Are you told "correct" news about Russia?

    1. #11
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      Re: Are you told "correct" news about Russia?

      I don't know what prices in Ukraine are and for Russia I confirm what VilSouth said. And beleive me or not but a pack of Winston in Russia is as cheap as about 90 cents, Marlboro should be about 1.20. About 3 dollars for a Captain Black. That's what the prices were 3 months ago when I gave up smoking. :P Snickers bar is 50 to 60 cents. And the dollar prices are approximate cuz the exchange rate changes every now and then and it tends to go up now, meaning the dollar is getting stronger.

      Former 08 hatchback owner

    2. #12
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      Re: Are you told "correct" news about Russia?

      I don't think they Tax bad healthy, or peoples stupidity, in Russia. Cigarettes in the USA are taxed, and have settlement money added, somewhere gaining on 400%. I remember a story that a pack of cigarettes still only costs like $.70 to produce. But because the tobacco companies have to pay reparations for the dieing, and their own counter advertising (truth people are paid be tobacco) they sell them for like $1.50. The rest is federal and state taxes of one type or another.

      Just like in the US they have to pass laws because people are stupid and lazy, like the banning of transfat.

    3. #13
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      Re: Are you told "correct" news about Russia?

      True, there are no such big taxes on cigarettes in Russia and advertising of cigarrettes and alcohol drinks is prohibited here by the law. And there is no counteradvertising either except for what they print on packs.
      Former 08 hatchback owner

    4. #14
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      Re: Are you told "correct" news about Russia?

      Thanks for the info. Cigarette stocks are getting crushed here as the economy is slow and smoking is declining 3-4% a year, but the theory is markets in Russia and China will remain strong due to cheap prices, making these stocks cheap now.

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