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    Thread: Aveo :: 2005 Chevrolet Aveo (Garage entry)

    1. rajesh717 is offline What's wrong with my car?
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      What's wrong with my car?
      Join Date
      Jul 2018
      annandale, virginia. USA
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      I am having difficulty troubleshooting my car Cranks but no start condition.

      My water pump was leaking so replaced with new water pump and also installed new oil pump because i always had low oil pressure on my dash when ever the car was in operating temp.

      I actually cranked my car without serpentine belt before removing anything just to check something. Engine started fine, i repeated the process few times for the third time it hesitated to start. I thought it will be once i install everything back on.

      Replaced new water pump and also Oil pump. Opened head also just to clean everything made sure all valves are good and pistons also.

      Put everything back on but the car never stared. It cranks fine but never starts, I checked compression it has 100-90-90-90 in 4 cylinders respectively.
      Checked all sparks and wires, There was Spark from each plug every time i crank engine.
      Checked fuel injectors, Cranked car disconnecting Ignition coil all the injectors sprayed very fine according to timing.
      Checked crank sensor it seems to be working because if it is bad it wont allow sparks or fuel but them both are fine.
      I inquired with local mechanic if compression is the issue but he said car should start with that readings.

      Please need suggestions because this the only car i have and i make money on delivering Pizzas. Car is in driveway for 3 weeks now. Not able to work renting a car and its very expensive.

      Thanks in advance

      Last edited by rajesh717; 07-06-2018 at 04:42 AM.

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