For a while now, I've been wanting to repaint my wheels. When I bought the car, the areas of the wheel that were exposed to the sun had faded and rusted as shown below. I wanted to refresh the paint job and make it look decent again.
So, first I removed each wheel. I used a wire brush to knock down the rust, then I used a random orbit sander to clean it down to the metal.
Next, I taped up around the tire and took some rubbing alcohol and cleaned up the wheel so it was ready for paint.
First, the wheel got a coat of etching primer.
Then, it got two coats of flat black paint.
The finished look looks pretty good IMO. Still debating weather to put the wheel covers back on or not. They're kind of beat up and could use paint too.
Here is the best before picture I had. Unfortunately I don't have any pics without the wheel covers on.